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    • Hidden Soccer Skills Needed to Stay Strong for 90 Minutes

    Hidden Soccer Skills Needed to Stay Strong for 90 Minutes

    By Team CoachList

    In the modern game of soccer, success isn’t solely determined by talent. While skill and technique are undoubtedly crucial, players must also maximize their endurance, speed, agility, flexibility, and strength to endure the rigors of a full 90-minute match. Here, we uncover the four hidden skills that every soccer player needs to stay strong throughout the entire game.  

    1) Endurance: The Engine of Soccer

    A soccer match lasts for a full 90 minutes or more, during which players cover extensive territory on the field. To put this into perspective, consider this impressive data from a World Cup match: Hector Herrera, a defender, ran over 7 miles, while even goalkeeper Guillermo Ochoa managed to clock nearly 2.5 miles during a single game! To sustain such extraordinary physical demands, players should focus on interval training and incorporating various types of terrain into their running routines. These training methods prepare the legs for the relentless up-and-down nature of a full soccer match.  

    2) Speed and Agility: The Need for Quick Explosions

    While distance running is essential, all players must be ready to explode into action at a moment’s notice. The modern game of soccer is incredibly fast-paced. Goal scorers aren’t just those with strong legs; they are the ones who can swiftly distance themselves from defenders. Enhanced agility is crucial to navigate through defenders, create opportunities, and set up the perfect shot. Improving agility can be achieved through short-yard dashes, which enhance short bursts of speed—vital for success on the pitch.

    Added agility will allow you to cut through defenders and create openings needed to set up the best possible shot. To improve agility, work on short yard dashes to help increase short bursts of speed.  

    3) Flexibility: The Key to Injury Prevention

    In a sport where players cannot use their hands, superior flexibility becomes a significant asset. Being flexible helps players put their feet and legs in awkward positions needed for precise ball striking and leaping into the air while contorting the body and head. Range of motion is another essential aspect of flexibility that soccer players should prioritize.  

    4) Strength: The Underestimated Asset

    The spotlight in soccer often falls on endurance, speed, agility, and flexibility, but building strength is equally crucial for sustaining a high-level performance throughout a 90-minute game. The right strength-building routine empowers players with added energy and explosiveness while simultaneously reducing the risk of injuries. In conclusion, today’s soccer players must possess a diverse skill set beyond technical abilities. Developing endurance, speed, agility, flexibility, and strength is essential to excel in the modern game, allowing athletes to compete at the highest level and dominate the full 90 minutes of play. Mastering these hidden skills is the key to becoming a well-rounded and enduring soccer player.

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